Friday, August 28, 2009

Audition Results!

I mentioned before that Rachel recently auditioned for the Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra. She actually auditioned last Saturday...and has waited until today for the results. The coveted letter finally arrived in the mailbox today and I'll let you guess if she made it or not by looking at the picture....She made it!!!! :) In the photo, she was already on the phone calling people!! She is so excited! We are very proud of her...of course, we'd have been proud had she not made it...but there are some moments in life worth celebrating! This is one of those. :) Yay, Rachel!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Rachel auditioned today for the Knoxville Symphony Youth Orchestra. It was a "first" for her. Surprisingly, she wasn't nervous or anxious...UNTIL she went in for the actual audition. :) Then she was shaking like a leaf!! :) There were four judges and no one besides Rachel and the judges was allowed in the room. They asked her several questions, then asked her to play a scale. Her audition piece was Gavotte by Thomas. She has practiced and practiced and practiced for over a month!! The judges told her they were limited and could only hear one full minute of the piece. :) (All that practice time for just one minute!!!???) When I asked Rachel how she felt it went, she said, "I think I did pretty good." :)

Anyway....that part is over...and now...we wait.....

I'll post the results of the audition on the blog when we find out. They mail out "acceptance" or "rejection" letters so it will probably be later in the week. :) Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yep, We're Still Here :)

Wow, has it really been almost a month since I posted anything here?? I guess I've been busy with life and just didn't realize it had been so long! :) Maybe you're wondering what's new. Well, let's see here....there's a new puppy named Ed....
a new calf named Hershey.... a new car (I think I'm in love)....
about 75 new jars of green beans adorning my pantry shelves....
and though I don't have pictures...we just started a new school year! :) I'm down to just two left in school now. Seems kinda strange. :) We have been homeschooling for quite a few years now, probably about twelve. That's a long time! We've got quite a supply of schoolbooks we've acquired over the years, so we only had to actually purchase just one textbook this year! That was nice.
The garden is doing well...but so are the weeds! We've been REALLY blessed with rain this much that it's been hard getting in the garden! We actually flooded one day...both ponds overflowed. Considering we had two years of drought...I'm not complaining!
Rachel's audition is quickly approaching (Aug. 22) and she's been working very hard to prepare. :) Unfortunately for her, she will have to wait on an acceptance/rejection letter in the mail...hopefully the week after the audition. That'll be a long wait!!
So anyway, lots new going on here. Hope everything's good where you are!!!!