Friday, August 17, 2007

More 'maters!

Are y'all tired of seeing pictures of my canned veggies? :O) My apologies, but I just have to post them! I so love canning! (Have I ever mentioned that before?) So just try to endure...summer is almost over and the harvest is almost past. I'll be done before you know it.
School is still going great! Katie is using Abeka for history and science, and all other subjects are by Christian Light Publications. It's our first year using Christian Light, and for her, it's working well. Rachel is using mostly all Abeka. Jacob's using a combination of curriculum. He's using Saxon for his Algebra 2, Jensen's Format Writing (which has been really good for him. He doesn't like writing paragraphs, much less research papers and reports, and this has really helped him alot already!) He's also using Exploring Creation with Chemistry from Apologia. The course is on a cd. It has videos and pronunciation helps. We'll be doing labs for that this year. Fun, fun! :O) Some of his other courses are Abeka also. All in all, we're off to a great start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy!
