Saturday, May 24, 2008

New Jersey...

Well, actually not just ONE new jersey, but two. :O) We got two of the CUTEST little jersey calves today! They're both steers. One will go in the freezer around October or November. The other one will probably be sold after it puts on more weight. Aren't they just the most darlin' little things you've ever seen?

It's been a busy, busy day on the old farmstead today. We were in the tater patch most all morning. We cultivated and hilled. (When I say tater patch I don't mean just a few little short rows....we're talking nine rows of about 75 feet each...maybe longer!) We were famished by lunchtime! Then we went and picked up the little calves and brought them home. Got them unloaded in the corral and all settled in. Then Jacob bush-hogged a field and we loaded up the cut grass the old-fashioned hand with a pitchfork. Ugh! Hard work! God bless the old-timers who had to do it that way all the time! :O) We'll feed the cut grass to the calves until we let them out of the corral and into the pasture with the other cows...probably later in the week. We had plans of working in the garden and doing a few other things, but the daylight hours just ran out on us. I guess we'll enjoy our day of rest on the Lord's Day tomorrow, then go back at it on Monday. I'll leave you with a picture of Johann...he's growing like a weed. :O) Hope you all have a great Memorial Day!

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