Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Nice Warm Fire...

A nice warm fire??? in May??? Well, technically, we're just making preparations for a nice warm winter. We've been working on getting next year's firewood. I've always heard that using wood for heat "warms you twice...when you're cutting it and when you're burning it!" I believe it. It isn't one of my favorite chores...cutting wood...but come winter, it's definitely worth it. As always around here, workdays are "family bonding times"...(haven't quite convinced the kids of this yet.) We all work together...everybody has a job to do.
Jacob with the chainsaw...
Matt busting wood...
Here's Katie holding the wood down...lest it blow out on the way back to the house...
Notice Rachel...clothes are is all in place...let's see, if I remember right, I think she said her job was putting the maul in the truck when the work was done.
Even the dogs participate in work days. Sugar was there to keep us company.
My job? Oh, don't think that I wasn't working just because you don't see a picture of me! I broke a sweat too, ya know. It's a difficult thing...standing out in the hot sun...being family photographer. :O) Nah, seriously, I worked. I even used the chainsaw. By the way, for those of you who don't know, that chainsaw has a special place in my heart. It's MINE. Matt gave it to me as a gift on my birthday. No joke. (Thanks again, Honey!) He's such a romantic! :O)

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