Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Metal Mouth :O)

Another trip to the orthodontist today. We spend a lot of time with orthodontists and dentists. (In fact, we've probably purchased a few cars and maybe an RV for them over the past few years...having Jacob and Katie both in braces at the same time.) But anyway...so Katie went back today and they added a full set of braces on the top AGAIN. She's pretty sore today. :O) But ya gotta admit that's a pretty cute smile.I mentioned in my last post that we were praying for rain. The Lord heard and answered and we are grateful. We've gotten some rain almost everyday for the past 5 days or so. It's been so refreshing, and not just to us....the cows, the goats, the chickens, and the garden have all been refreshed! The pasture is beginning to green up a bit.
Well, I suppose that's about it for now. Not much new to blog about at the moment, but I'll be posting again soon!! Farewell for now!

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