Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snowy days

We woke up to a few inches of snow yesterday morning. Believe it or not, the kids talked me into taking a "snow day". So, all day long, we did no school work at all. It really was too cold for anybody to go outside and play in the snow for any length of time. The high was 22, but it was windy, which made it seem alot colder! Sorry the picture didn't turn out very light or bright but it was taken early in the morning.

Apart from the snow day off of school, things are running along quite smoothly. It's business as usual here....that involves lots of reading....

and lots of research....

and lots of hard work, in general....

This is a fairly busy time of the school year. Achievement tests are coming right up, then Jacob will be taking the ACT in early June. Hard to believe he'll be a senior next year! I'm always careful when keeping track of our school records. As far as Jacob's high school credits are concerned, we're right on target and he should have a fairly easy year next year. We've been discussing our college options. Right now, he seems to be leaning towards taking business courses. We might even try some online courses this summer.

Hope all is well wherever you are. I'll be posting again soon!!

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