Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We're still here!

We're still here...and see, there's proof in the picture above! Haven't updated in a while...our camera has been acting crazy and I've been having trouble downloading pictures. (I'm trying to convince Matt it's time to buy a new camera) :O)
Anyway, all is well here and hope life is good wherever you are! Nothing really much new to report. School is still going great. There have been a few bumps in the road (namely MATH) but we seem to be overcoming those little hurdles. We're currently working on Day 126 of the school year...leaving us 54 remaining days to complete the year. Woohoo!! We should be done, Lord willing, no later than mid-May (depends on how much time we take for spring break).
Concerning farm news, we're still cow-less and goat-less. But we've been getting rain and we're hoping for a good spring so that we can re-populate these empty, lonely hills again with cows! I think that even the chickens are recovering from the drought...they're starting to lay again! Yippee! It's hard to beat farm fresh eggs!
So anyway, that's a brief update on us. I'll be posting more when I get my new camera. :O)

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