Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Finally. Batteries for my camera :)

The batteries in my camera have been dead as a doornail for a few weeks now and I have felt so lonely without it. I love taking pictures. My kids have felt quite liberated with no flash going off in their faces! BUT....today I got new batteries and I am ready to start clicking! :O) You can tell from the photos below...taken as soon as I got my batteries home...that they were thrilled beyond measure to have their camera-fiend mother back to normal! (Had it not already been dark outside, I'd have taken alot more pics...those will have to wait til tomorrow...the leaves are gorgeous!)
Poor Jacob...he's still petrified I'm going to show up at college one day to get a picture of him with his professor.

I was quite fortunate last week to get my hands on a bushel of pears from a friend. I've spent several days getting them worked up. Let's see, I have 15 jars of pear butter, 8 jars of pear preserves, and I-don't-know-how-many quarts of cooked pears for pies, dumplings, cobblers, or just eating. :O) They are sooo good. Below are the preserves (I did have 10 1/2 jars of preserves, but 2 1/2 got gone within just a few days)....
and the pear butter....
Now y'all be honest...I bet you've missed seeing pictures of my canning ventures, haven't ya? Go ahead...admit it. ;O)

Don't know what the weather is like wherever you are, but here we have suddenly exprienced winter. It's been c-c-c-cold! This morning we even had a few snow flurries and some sleet....no accumulation....just enough to make it feel even colder!

Anyway, no need for a big long post today. But rest assured, now that my camera is back in action, I'll be back soon with pictures! Tootaloo!

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