Wednesday, February 4, 2009

White Again? :OP

We awoke this morning to more of the "white stuff." (Have I ever mentioned that I'm not a snow person?) I'd say there are several inches of dry, powdery snow. It's still snowing some but not like it was yesterday evening. It's early in the morning right now and the kids aren't awake yet, but my guess is that there will be some hootin' and hollerin' youngens sledding down these hills before too much more time goes by. :O) Don't have any pics of the snow yet...maybe later today...but you can visualize it...white. It is sooo cold too! Yikes! Last night, when the temp was 12 degrees, the wind chill was minus 2!! We had wind gusts of about 30 mph! (It sounds like a train coming through this holler!) :O) Too cold for my blood.

I do, however, have some pictures to share with you of a new heifer. Aren't ya excited? I knew you would be. Matt and I spent several hours at the stock pen this past weekend. By the way, have you ever been to a livestock auction? You really should go sometime. I love hearing the auctioneer, and watching the farmers bid. They each seem to have their own bidding style...including Matt, who cannot for the life of him bid without his cap. I know when he takes his cap off that he's fixing to bid on one. :O) He sorta just waves it a little bit...just enough to get the auctioneer's attention. So yep, the stock pen's an interesting experience. The sights (and definitely smells) stick with you for a long time. Poor Rachel doesn't have the stomach for it...she can't take the "aroma." She nearly loses it when she sees people eating a hot dog or hamburger in the midst of all that smell. But it's fun. No kidding. I always enjoy going with Matt. Anyway, Matt wanted to get one more heifer while the price of cattle was somewhat lower than normal. (We're counting on prices going up in spring and summer.) He ended up with this gorgeous black angus heifer...about 9 months old. She really is quite pretty, don't you think? Look at that thick winter coat and those stout legs! Woohoo!

Whenever we get a new cow or heifer, we always keep them in the corral for a few days so they can settle down. The other cows always gather round the corral to check out the new kid. :O) The newbie and the other cows are always anxious for the time when we let the newbie out of the corral so they can push and shove and establish their "pecking order", so to speak. It sometimes takes a few days for the new one to be completely accepted, but eventually it usually always happens. Funny thing, if the newbie is a's not a problem. We keep him in the corral for a day, maybe two. We let him out...the "ladies" might push or shove him once...but they cut him a lot more slack than they do another cow.

So here are a few of the cows...waiting patiently for the newbie. :O) (The cute little Jersey on the left is Carl...he'll be in the freezer soon.)
Here's Whitey...she sticks out like a sore thumb here. Most of ours (except the Jerseys we're using for beef) are Black Angus. I think she's cute, but Matt insists on selling her this spring.
So enough of the cow pictures. I don't want to over-excite you. :O)

By the way, I put a link to my new blog over on the side bar. Come visit me over there, too! (No cow pictures are there...I promise.) :O)

That's all for now, folks!

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