Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Remember the Poison Ivy Tree?

Perhaps you remember last July when I posted about the really big tree that had fallen across the fence? It was just crawling with poison ivy...and I took pictures of Katie climbing all over it. The title of the post was "Another DUH moment in the life of me." Why such a title? Because it's a well-known fact that Katie has had some pretty severe reactions to poison ivy...and there I stood letting her climb all over the tree...I just wasn't thinking! *sigh* Anyway, yes she had another bad reaction that July also...and Matt and I both also got a pretty nasty case of it ourselves. Hard lesson learned. After cutting that tree off the fence line back in July, it has just been sitting there all this time...after all the hub-bub with the poison, nobody wanted to touch it! :O) (Once bit, twice shy.) So 6 1/2 months have gone by, and Jacob finally got brave enough to hook it to the tractor and drag it back to the house. It made me shudder to even look at it! :O) It was really quite a big old tree...81 years old to be exact...we counted the annual rings.
Jacob spent the better part of his afternoon cutting it up...
and busting it.
Katie spent the better part of her day helping stack the wood and yes, playing with Spud.
Rachel....let's see...where was she during all this work? Well, I did see her pick up a piece or two of wood...but it all happened so fast, I wasn't able to get a picture. (This girly girl does not like to get dirty...but turn her loose in the house and she can clean like nobody's business.)

Speaking of cutting wood, we have had so much cold weather this winter, we're getting low on our wood supply. But we have sure enjoyed a taste of spring this past week!! We had temps in the 60s! It was gorgeous! I'm sure we've not seen the last of Old Man Winter, but these warmer days have sure been welcome. I think the cows and chickens enjoyed it more than we did! Just look at this hen...that pretty red comb and those dark feathers. This ol' gal is getting ready to start laying after taking the winter off. :O)

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