Monday, July 14, 2008

Another "DUH!" moment in the life of me.

I will readily confess that I've never been "overly" smart...but when I look back at things I do sometimes, I can only slap my forehead and say "What WAS I thinking??" Ugh! What a weekend. In my last post here you may remember that I wrote about the big tree that fell over the fence and how we worked to clean up the mess and fix the fence. Did I mention that there was poison ivy on this big tree? Actually I probably didn't because, even after seeing the poison ivy, I still didn't think a thing about it! No bells and whistles went off in my head. No memories of days gone by when we'd have Katie at the doctor's office waiting for a prescription of steroids to take care of the poison ivy. So anyway, on with the may also remember that I even (stupidly) took a picture of Katie standing beside the big tree. youngest child...the one who is highly allergic to poison ivy. (I confess I even took one of her climbing ON the tree! Now how dumb is that???) The sad part of all this is that it just didn't click. There was no electrifying moment when I gasped and said, "Oh Katie, get away from that tree!" Nope. Sorry to say that I just did not think. Period. And so because of my not thinking....we've had a long weekend. Matt's arms are swollen from poison ivy. I have patches of it all over. But Katie (yes, the one who is highly allergic to poison ivy) is just pitiful. The picture below was taken on was bad...
but Monday morning was even worse!
I feel so terrible! I was never so glad to get to a doctor's office as I was this morning. We were there when they opened up. And so....little Miss Katie is now swallowing 4 prednisone pills at a time for the next 7 days, then we begin to taper her off. *sigh* What's a kid to do with a mama like me? *sigh* The moral of this story? Some poor youngens just have to look out for themselves. Y'all pray for her. (and for me while you're at it.) *sigh*


Anonymous said...

Oh, gracious. That looks horrible. Poor Katie.


Jen said...

Oh my goodness! Poor thing. :0(