Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big Tree. Singing Dog. :O)

Usually every morning, we ride around on the 4wheelers to check on the cows. We also check the fenceline. Well this morning, it's a good thing we did! There was a really big tree that had fallen and taken part of the fence with it...leaving a nice big hole for the cows to walk through. Thankfully, they hadn't found it before we did, so they were still in the fence. The tree was a really big red oak and it'll give us lots of good firewood for the winter.
So that takes care of the "Big Tree" part of the title. Now onto the "Singing Dog". By now you all know that Rachel plays the violin...quite well, I might add. We're not quite sure if Johann the pup likes it or hates it! Everytime she plays, he starts howling. I really don't know if he means "I'll sing along while you play" or "Stop playing, you're hurting my ears!" Either way, it's quite amusing to watch.

1 comment:

Jen said...

That's hilarious. You need to take a video :0)