Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Tenants. Best Buddies.

We have some new tenants on the farm. Matt came home from the stock pen today with two new heifers. Give 'em a day or two to settle into the place and they'll be right at home. Aren't they pretty?
We've also had a visitor the past few days. Cousin Hannah came to stay several days with Katie. And boy, have those two had fun! You just can't imagine the things those two best buddies have been into.
They've camped out (really...all night long!)...
they've roasted marshmallows...
(thanks to a little help from big brother) :O)
They've been on treasure hunts, they've been swimming in the pond, they've solved mysteries and been on adventures. (I have them washing dishes at the moment or they'd be doing something else really exciting, I'm sure.) It's really nice having a best buddy (who just happens to be your cousin), don't ya think? And what has Rachel been up to this week? She got to spend a day with Mamaw and Papaw. That was a nice treat. Other than that, she's just been hanging around being Rachel. Wouldn't have it any other way. :O)
That's all for this bloggy update. I'm going to make some homemade ice cream. It disappears fast around here! Bye for now!

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