Friday, August 1, 2008

Got corn?

We sure do! After Matt left for work today...(hmm, why is it that he always leaves before the real work begins?)...the kids and I went to the garden to "pick a little corn." We ended up with about 20 dozen ears! TWENTY dozen! That's alot of corn!
It was really pretty corn too. See?
Picking was the easy part. Then came the shucking. That was a job, but the kids all worked hard. And you know the old saying....many hands make light work. I love repeating that to them over and over again. :O)
After we got it all shucked...well, not quite all of it....we stopped shucking at 17 dozen and called a neighbor to see if they'd want some. Thank heavens they did, or we'd still be shucking! :O) We brought it all in the house...washed it...silked it...and got it ready to freeze. What a job! But what a blessing to have it all put up for the winter!! Thanks to my hard-working youngens, we got it done in a pretty timely manner too. God bless their little pea-picking, um, I mean "corn-picking" hearts. :O) I still have a little bit to put up, but I'll finish that tomorrow. We gave the corn shucks to the cows, and they always love getting those...
Just how much do they like eating corn shucks? Enough that this little Jersey calf was not about to miss out on eating his fair share. Look closely and you'll notice he had jumped up into the trough and was standing right smack dab in the middle of it! Those big heifers weren't gonna bully him out of his portion! No way!
We've got alot of tomatoes coming in now too, so tomorrow I'll start making and canning salsa. A little later I'll start canning tomatoes. We use tons of those during the winter for soups and chili and spaghetti.
Now that I've got the kitchen all cleaned up (ugh, what a sticky mess all over the counter, the stove, and the floor!) and the floors all mopped, I'm going to go make some homemade chocolate syrup so the kids (and Matt) can have chocolate milk next week. :O) And to think that some people (I won't mention you by name, PAPAW) actually accuse me of laying around on the couch all day! Can you imagine? :O)
By the way, we're on the countdown....five more days til school starts back!

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