Friday, August 24, 2007

Busy, but fun week!

I'll start this post by saying....I decided not to post any pictures of my beautiful canned produce. (Do I hear a roar of applause out there?) :O) And, YES, I have been canning again! Want a rundown on our winter store? Wonderful! I'd be glad to share that information with you...since you asked, of course. So here we go:
Tomatoes - 54 jars
Salsa - 5 jars
Green Beans - 61 jars
Apple Jelly - 3 jars
Chow Chow - 4 jars
Cucumber Relish - 14 jars
New Potatoes - 6 quarts
Freezer Pickles - 7 containers...but these little babies aren't going to survive the winter. We're eating them so fast I only have 3 containers left!
I'll probably still have more tomatoes to can. (We use alot of tomatoes in the winter for soups and chili and casseroles.) But I think the bulk of the tomatoes have already been squirreled away.
Along with other news, Joel, (Matt's brother) and his wife, Ivy, have been in from California for a visit and we have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them! We don't get to see them often enough.
And....HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY to my sweet Mommy and Daddy!! Not only are they blessed with a long and happy marriage, but I consider myself VERY blessed to have them. :O) Anyhoo...that's just a (very) brief update of what we've been up to this week. Be posting again soon!! Tata for now!

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