We went to the Rocky Mount Living History Museum...
We went to the Ripley's Aquarium in Gatlinburg...
We ate at the Old Mill Restaurant in Gatlinburg also. What a neat place! They converted an old mill that was used from the early 1800s to the early 1900s into a restaurant. Good food, too. :O)
Oh, and I am SO enjoying my Japanese doll that Amy gave me! Isn't she beautiful? (I think of Amy everytime I see her!) All in all, we just enjoyed having all of us together again under one roof. There's just nothing quite like family. :O)
So....normal is back now. Next week, Lord willing, we'll be starting our new school year on Wednesday. We have all of our school books, everything is in order, and we're ready to go. We're trying out some new curriculum with some of our subjects, and I feel pleased with our choices. So, we're just gonna take a deep breath and plunge right in!! I'll be posting soon! Ta ta for now!
Back to the old grindstone. Yuck! :)
I always forget to put my name-Jen...hahaha like you didn't know
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