Friday, September 19, 2008

And I'm STILL doin' grapes!

Zowee! You wouldn't think that a few pecks of grapes would be that big of a deal! But I am still working on them! :O) I made another run of grape jam last night but was just too tired to finish the rest. I have enough left to get one more run. Pictured below are my jars of grape juice and one jar of jam...
The grape juice takes about 6 weeks to be ready to drink...and NO, I'm not fermenting it! haha! The jam, on the other hand, we are already eating and it is soooo good! We've wiped out half a jar already!
On a different subject, does anybody out there like to play Monopoly? I'm not a big fan, but Katie has a game called Farmopoly....same basic game but with farm-related differences. For instance, instead of passing "GO" as you do in Monopoly, you pass "GROW" in Farmopoly. :O) You can buy properties such as Cattle Call and Big Red Barn. And "Free Parking?" How about "Free Manure?" :O) It really is a cute little game. Katie loves it. So I took up the challenge to play her the other day. Yep. She whooped me. Fair and Square.
You can find all sorts of Monopoly-type games HERE. There's Gardenopoly, Volopoly (for all you UT fans), Clemsonopoly, Horseopoly, Fishin-opoly, and yes, there's even a Chocolate-opoly. Who would've thunk it? :O) They make neat gifts for people who have a particular passion or hobby.
Ok. I'm hushin'. Y'all come back soon!

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