Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just a Few Things...

We've had a fairly busy week. But busy is sometimes good. :O) Katie has gotten started back on her orthodontic work...they put another "do-flotchey" thingie back in the roof of her mouth...not very comfortable I'm sure. Not sure when the braces will go back on but I think she'll have a few more months anyway.

In other news, Matt has somehow managed to hurt his neck. Several weeks ago, his shoulder began hurting...not unbearable pain but bad enough he did go to the doctor (ok, to satisfy me). Doc didn't think it was anything too bad...maybe a strained muscle. Over time, it got worse and worse...almost daily. The pain was now in his shoulder, down his arm, into his hand (which was also numb), and his neck. Went back to the doc...he ordered pain meds and an MRI. By the weekend, he was in intense pain and we had to call the doctor on call Saturday. He put him on steroids and by Sunday the pain had begun to lessen. He was still having pain but he was better able to tolerate it. Monday was the MRI. The results showed about 5 discs are involved...some worse than others, but one is protruding into the spinal cord (explaining the intense pain). They're sending him to the orthopedist and we'll know more then. I'll keep ya posted.

I finally got around to fixing up that cushaw I mentioned in my last post...or was it the post before that? :O) Anyway, take my word for it, cushaw pie is good stuff. And within hours after making it, I had an empty pie pan to prove it. :O)
In closing, I'll post a picture of Katie's two bestest buddies. Here's Johann and Roosty waiting patiently for Katie to come out this morning.
They look as though they're having a nice conversation, don't they? :O)

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