Monday, April 27, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Today was a beautiful, almost cloudless day. We packed the cooler, hitched up the boat, and headed for the lake. :) We had planned to fish most of the day, but ended up coming back a bit earlier than we wanted. Don't ask me any of the mechanical details, but there was something wrong with the motor. That's all I know. :)We had so much fun, in spite of having to come back early. As long as somebody else baits my hook and takes the fish off when I catch one, I could fish for hours. But I just canNOT bring myself to touch a worm or any other slimey thing that goes on the end of a hook. Poor Matt spends more time baiting my hook than fishing! :) He loves having his picture made too...can't you tell? for the fun part. Ask me who caught the biggest fish. Go ahead. Ask might be able to pull it out of me. In fact, you can even ask me who caught the ONLY fish. Well, allright then, since you're so insistent...I'll tell you. It was me. I caught the fish....not just any little bitty fish either. He was 15 inches long. Ok, so you've seen bigger catfish than this! I am still quite proud of him. :) It was a beautiful day to be out on the water!


Jennifer said...

Oh, it looks like y'all had fun! Isn't it so funny when the women out-fish the men? When this happens around our house we always have to rub it in a little! ;)

Sandra said...

Way to go Lori!!