Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Katie!

Yesterday was Katie's birthday. My "baby" has turned 11 years old. It's so hard to believe that my very shy, very curly-headed toddler has grown into a friendly, not-so-curly-headed, sweet young girl. I try to convince her she's still Mama's baby and she tries to convince me she's not a baby anymore. :)

Though yesterday was her "special day" to be sure, we actually celebrated today. As with all family birthdays, the honoree gets to choose the birthday meal. Katie's choice? Nope, it wasn't pizza...or hamburgers...or anything like that. She wanted pork roast, fried potatoes, and collard greens! :) No junk food for this gal. And for her birthday "cake", she didn't want cake at all. She wanted Strawberry Koolaid Pie. (That made it easy for's a super easy recipe!) Instead of vanilla ice cream, she got Klondike bars!
All of her birthday gifts fit inside this cute little bag this year. What'd she get? She got money (her request...she is a saver!), a Walmart gift card (from her sister), two big sketch pads (she is quite a little artist and LOVES to draw!), candy (sweets for the sweet), beef jerky (loves it), and a new watch (really wanted one). She also got the day off of school, and Jacob even helped her with her chores. How's that for a treat? :) I'll close with a few pictures of the birthday girl!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

We give our kids the day off of school and we do their chores for them on their birthdays too. That is reason enough to have a great day!! I wish someone would do ALL of my chores on my birthday!!